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What Were the Wise Men Seeking?

By General

What Were The Wise Men SeekingIt’s hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that 2016 is all but over and we are embarking upon another new year; 2017! When I was a boy I dreamed about what the world would look like after the turn of the century but my vision of the future was far from what it turned out to be. Some of the things actually came to pass, like “Dick Tracy” wristwatches and Robots and unmanned flying drones, but the future I dreamed of is actually much more fantastic than I ever imagined. Mankind has conquered inner-space and outer-space. Cloning actually exists and we all carry very powerful computers in our back pockets that can answer any question and tell us how to get anywhere we want to go. It’s an amazing world we live in and the future is bright, that is, unless the Human Race doesn’t lose their way and destroy themselves first.

This is the time of year we are supposed to reflect on our year, be introspective and make resolutions about how we are going to change personally to make our lives better in the year ahead. But there is another thing about December which is the most important thing of all in my humble opinion. It’s the time we celebrate the birth of our Messiah, the Son of God, born of a virgin in a stable, as prophecy foretold thousands of years before and played out exactly as it was supposed to, without exception. Popular culture doesn’t accept the reality of Jesus. It’s too hard to wrap their heads around and maintain the world view that man spontaneously appeared out of nothing. My take is that God created the universe and Jesus was there with Him in the beginning. The story is impossible to believe for man, but with God, everything is possible. Jesus came with a specific purpose; to reconcile mankind to God. Mankind are sinners. We all are and always have been since the fall in The Garden of Eden. It seems like a fairy tale, but prophecy and historical and archeological records confirm it and continued revelations reinforce it as fact.

The Three Wise Men were actually scholars named Balthazar, Gaspar and Melchior who were of Jewish heritage and influence who lived in the East, as remnants of a time when Israel was in captivity in Babylon. They studied ancient text and through their studies they knew that The Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem, because that is what the scriptures told them. They followed a star that appeared at the birth of Jesus and eventually, months after His birth, against great odds, found Him and knew that He was the Son of God and our redeemer. What happened and how it happened was exactly according to the ancient texts and Jesus went on to live His life exactly as it was written, down to the finest detail and against incredible odds, fulfilling at least 300 prophecies to the letter. The odds of this are too remote to even comprehend.
Statisticians will tell you that once you get past the 50th “0”, you have gone beyond the reality of there being ANY chance. Yet, Jesus did it!

10 with 50 zeroes behind it is a number nearly equal to the electrons in the known universe. (That number is simply 10 with 52 zeroes.) That’s a MASSIVE number. But it’s a piece of CAKE for Jesus Christ. He beat those odds by 10,107 PLUS zeroes.

The Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the GREATEST GIFT mankind has EVER received. This is why we celebrate Christmas. It’s an amazing story, but the most fantastic part is that it’s true! The Wise Men knew it and sought Him out. Wise men and women today still should seek Him.

This year, take time to go see a Christmas program at your local Church, read the Christmas Story in the Gospels (Luke 2:1-20) with your family and take time to reflect upon the true meaning of Christmas and the promise of redemption for all who believe and accept Christ as their Savior. It’s never too late (as long as you’re still breathing) and you cannot do anything so horrible that He won’t forgive you and redeem you, if you just ask.

Merry Christmas

From our house to yours, we wish you a very Merry and Holy Christmas and the happiest of New Years. It is our prayer that whomever reads this message can accept the greatest gift of all, free to all and unconditional; That is the gift of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

You won’t believe what kids are asking for Christmas – It’s not what you think!!!

By General

give-donations-christmas-2016From the CEO of Peabody Engineering – Mark Peabody.
For all of our GREAT Peabody customers and fans, I’d like to share a story.
Here in Corona (as I’m sure in many places across this amazing country) There are people who are doing without the basic necessities of life, while others (like us) are incredibly blessed with everything we need plus excess. As I pulled into church yesterday in my 2015 Infiniti, in my wool jacket I purchased at Macy’s on a recent trip I took to New York City, I read the following story and I was moved with emotion and a desire to help by giving some of what I have (and won’t really miss) to help those who don’t have enough. Please read the story below:

“My name is Nielle Reinhart. I am a Special Education teacher and the PTSA advocate for Outreach. Over the last few years we have seen a significant change in the economy and with that came a significant change in needs of our students. Last year our ASB director, Julie Stivers, started the “Angel Tree” at Corona High School. Students would make their Christmas wishes known, and we would try our best to fulfill those wishes. We decided to continue that tradition this year. We were shocked by what our students wished for. They no longer wished for movie tickets and cell phones. Our students are no longer asking for video games or skateboards. This year we have 70 students asking for things such as food, underwear, shoes, backpacks, school supplies, warm blankets and clothing. There was not a single student asking for a toy, a Prom ticket or a yearbook. Our students were asking for the basic necessities needed to survive. I would like to tell you the stories of a couple of our students.

Right before Thanksgiving break we had a student wish for a blanket and a pillow so that they could stay warm, give-donations-christmas-002-2016while their family of 5 slept on the floor in the family room of a relatives home, under only one blanket. We were able to show up at their house over break with 5 blankets, 5 pillows, 10 pillow cases, 5 foam pads, a Stater Brothers gift card and a large box of food. The saddest/best part of that trip was hearing the 5 year old little brother of our student come out and excitedly exclaim, “Do I really get my very own pillow?”

Last week, Mr. Danesh and I called in a student who had not been dressing out for P.E. While speaking with him we learned that he was not dressing out because his family could not afford to buy him underwear and therefore he was afraid to change into his uniform. He also mentioned that he was afraid to run in his current pair of shoes. When I looked down to glance at his current pair of shoes, I realized that his ENTIRE foot was hanging out and that the toe portion of the shoe was literally STAPLED together and the heel portion had been glued.

give-donations-christmas-003-2016Instead of worrying about what movie to watch on Netflix, or what game to play with their friends, our students are worrying about where their next meal will be coming from, how they are going to stay warm at night and how to keep their shoes glued together another day. In order to help relieve some of their life stresses and bring some Christmas joy their way – we are hoping to help provide each of their families with means to purchase food and clothing. We currently have identified 70 individual students and 24 families in need our help and we know that there will be more to come. We would like to be able to provide each of these 70 students with an $100 gift card to Walmart (where they can purchase clothing, school supplies, underwear, shoes and blankets) and each of the 24 families a $100 gift card to Stater Brothers for food. I am hoping and praying that we can come together as a community and help truly make this a Merry Christmas for these families.”

So, Peabody Engineering is going to contribute to this very worthy cause and invite you to help if you are so inclined. We will match every dollar you give up to $1000.00, but the deadline is December 9th, when we have to have the funds turned in. If God has blessed you and you feel the Spirit move in your heart, let us know and you can be a part of Christmas for some families that really need help.

Whether you contribute or not, we at Peabody Engineering wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed time with your family and friends.

Thank You to all those who contributed. We have stopped accepting donations at this time.

Give Thanks At Thanksgiving

By General

blog-post-thanksgiving-001-nov2016Thanksgiving 2016. The time of year when families travel great distances to gather together and celebrate the many blessings we enjoy as Americans. Grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, boyfriends, girlfriends, fiancés and friends. We all put our differences aside, take a day off from the daily grind and come together to eat wonderful food, play games, watch football, parades and pray together.

It’s a day when it doesn’t matter what we believe, who we voted for or if we like white or dark meat, or no meat at all. It’s a time to pause, look around and have a spirit of gratitude in our attitude.



New Peabody Products to Show at AWT Expo 2016

By Tanks

blog-post-awt-expo-005-2016It’s almost AWT Expo Time. We are putting the finishing touches on our booth display and getting our Peabody Products ready. Are you attending? We hope you are and that you will stop by booth #501 and let’s see how our products can benefit you and your tank work environment. Go here to read our newsletter AND you’ll get a sneak peak at some NEW products we will be unveiling at the expo.

Read Our Tank Newsletter

CTIA Last Thoughts Before Showtime

By Telecom

Hblog-post-ctia-expo-004-2016ave you read our latest newsletter on our last thoughts before showtime at the CTIA Super Mobility 2016? We’ve got a few things to say and we want to show you what “ugly and exposed” looks like and what “beautifully concealed” looks like and trust us you’ll want to go with “beautifully concealed” every time.

Snooze and you won’t get a Free Hall Pass – don’t say we didn’t try to tell you! Click the button below to register for your Free CTIA Hall Pass but hurry because you must complete this by August 29, 2016.

Booth 4452 is where we will be. Stop by and let’s get acquainted, tell us about your upcoming project and let’s see how we can work together.


Innovators for Environmentally Safer Chemical Containment

By Tanks

blog-post-awt-expo-004-2016Peabody Engineering & Supply, Inc. are Innovators for Environmentally Safer Chemical Containment. And we want to tell you and show you all about it.

That’s why when you attend the AWT Expo 2016, Sept 7 – 10, in San Diego, CA,  you are going to make a point to stop by Booth #501 and gives us the opportunity to share with you how our Peabody Products can help in your workplace to keep a safer environment.

Free CTIA Hall Pass Registration Ends Soon

By Telecom

CTIA Registration Ends SoonHaven’t registered yet to attend CTIA Super Mobility 2016? Well what are you waiting for?! Click the button below to register and receive a complimentary Exhibits Pass. This pass allows three-day admission to the Exhibit Floor, CTIA Keynote sessions and free partner events September 7-9, 2016. You must complete your Registration by August 29, 2016. After that the Hall Pass offer becomes null and void and you’ll end up paying for a pass. Registration for the Hall Pass will NOT be accepted on-site or after the August 29, 2016 expiration date.

So be our guest – click the register button below and get yourself registered for free for this event. Stop by booth #4452 and let’s talk about how we can help with your next cell site concealment project.


CTIA Expo 2016 Have You Registered?

By Telecom

Have you registered yet for the CTIA Super Mobility 2016? Click image below to read our newsletter about “The Industry Hotspot for Everything Wireless” and how to register. This year it is going to be in Las Vegas, NV Sept 7 -9, 2016. Are you in the market to conceal your cell site? Then you must put us on your “Must See” list, our booth is #4452.

CTIA Super Mobility 2016

July 4th Independence Day 2016

By General

Freedom Is Not Free

The Fourth of July. Independence Day. The day we celebrate when a few (less than 3% of the population) said ENOUGH! We are not going to live under oppression or be subjugated by a government who doesn’t regard its citizens or value them as more than mere humans; as men and women created in God’s image with certain inalienable rights. The Declaration of Independence was written in Boston some 240 years ago, but it is still relevant today. Every year on this weekend, we get together with family and friends, have parades, fairs, picnics and light fireworks to celebrate, but do we still remember what we are celebrating?

On July 2, 1776, courageous men and women took a stand, at great risk of death and loss of personal property, safety and security for their loved ones and imprisonment. People like Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Josiah Bartlett and 53 others. They “Resolved: That these United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States, that they are absolved from all allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be………..Click to download and read the rest of the Freedom is Not Free Letter. (3MB PDF)

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