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G.E.M. Going The Extra Mile Year 2017

By G.E.M. Winners

G.E.M. Going the Extra Mile is an achievement given to a Peabody Team Member for exceptional contributions to the company’s success having gone above and beyond to help fellow Team Members meet and exceed work expectations. All Peabody Team Members have an opportunity to nominate another Team Member for the award. It is a monthly award.

Here are all our G.E.M. Winners for the Year 2017

Click individual images to read more about the winner

G.E.M. Going The Extra Mile December 2018

By G.E.M. Winners

G.E.M. Going the Extra Mile is an achievement given to a Peabody Team Member for exceptional contributions to the company’s success having gone above and beyond to help fellow Team Members meet and exceed work expectations. All Peabody Team Members have an opportunity to nominate another Team Member for the award. It is a monthly award.

Nominated by his fellow Peabody Team Members – Congratulations to Tim Booher who is our FRP Customer Service Team Member, on being December 2018 G.E.M. Winner!

Here are some of the comments we received on him from his fellow Team Members for G.E.M. Going the Extra Mile:



Tim Booher

  • Tim is doing a great job revamping the Fiberglass division.
  • He has a lot of pressures on him and he is able to balance the demands of multiple people, which is no easy task.
  • Tim has brought on repeatable fiberglass projects which will help stabilize demand in that department.
  • Tim went beyond going the extra mile traveling while we were having our Christmas Party.
  • I have asked for help on several projects and Tim has always helped without reservations.


Water Tower Cell Site Concealment

By Telecom
Water Tower Cell Site Concealment

Several years ago Peabody Engineering delivered two amazing Water Tower Cell Site Concealments to the Piedras Blancas Light Station in San Simeon, California. The PBLSA requested that Peabody create a replica of the original wooden water tower that once stood at the light station which was originally constructed in 1908.

The contractor hired to build the water tower used recycled redwood to construct the two-tiered tower structure. On the first platform they placed the smaller of the two fiberglass water tanks – 9’ tall x 9’ in diameter with an open top – and then continued constructing the tower. When the upper platform was finished, they placed the larger fiberglass water tank on top – 12’ tall x 12’6” in diameter with a fiberglass cover designed to look like an old metal tank lid.

Since the tower construction and tank installation has been completed, we have visited the PBLS and even WE are in awe of how realistic these two replica tanks turned out! We are proud of the design and fabrication of these two tanks and so is our customer.

Next time you’re looking for great weekend getaway, take a trip up the coast and visit this historical location.

What’s So Great About Christmas?

By General

Our office will be closed:
Christmas Hours: Dec 24th and 25th, 2018
New Years Hours: Dec 31, 2018 and Jan 1, 2019

We are rapidly winding up year 2018 and we continue to strive, grow and manufacture the best quality of Peabody Tanks and Tank Related Products. Remember last year when we introduced you to our 2 new Rotational Molding Machines? Since then we have dramatically increased production and because we have the larger Molding Machine (that would be the machine we call Alpha) we are able to increase the sizes of several of our Peabody Tanks.

The strength of who and what we do is based on a foundation of you our customers of what your wants and needs are. We will continue to produce exceptional Peabody Products and develop new products based on your feedback. Whether you call us, or email us or see us at a Tradeshow, we want to know how you use our Peabody Tanks and as a person in your industry what modifications or enhancements you think would be a benefit to our tanks.

So What’s so great about Christmas anyway?

Somewhere, our society has lost the focus of what Christmas is supposed to be celebrating. It is the celebration of a very important birthday, namely God’s only son, Jesus Christ. He was the greatest gift ever to all of mankind.

Santa Claus is seemingly omnipresent wherever you go, Christmas music is on the radio and your inbox is overflowing with cyber deals and doorbuster offers at all the retailers. Many of you already have hung your lights, bought and trimmed your tree, hung your stockings and chances are, there’s a quart of Egg Nog in the fridge.

The kids are looking forward to 2 or 3 weeks off for “Winter Break” and plans for visiting relatives are set. You’re hoping that your Christmas Bonus is large enough to cover all of the things you’ve already charged on the credit card and you’re looking forward to a couple of long and restful weekends of football, family and comfort food…..Read the full Peabody Engineering Christmas Letter by clicking here. It is in PDF format (4.87mb)

Operation Christmas Child

One of our most favorite projects of the year “Samaritan’s Purse – Operation Christmas Child“. Our Peabody Team Members outdid themselves this year by breaking the previous years record of shoeboxes created. Want to know how many we did? Take a look at this short video.

G.E.M Winners for 2018

Peabody Engineering continues to acknowledge Peabody Team Members for all their hard work and dedication to the company’s success. The G.E.M. (Going The Extra Mile) Award is voted on by their peers of who they feel has gone above and beyond to help their fellow team members. You can go here to see all the winners.

SBA Award 2018

Peabody Engineering – Mark and Larry Peabody receive prestigious SBA Region IX Family Owned Business of the Year award. The company was started in 1962 by WWII Veteran and family patriarch Richard Peabody by manufacturing and distributing equipment for the agricultural industry to improve crop yields.

Click here to read the rest of the story…


Top Workplace Award 2018

With a Great Team and a Great Company Culture – Peabody Engineering is named Top Workplaces 2018 in the Small Business Division Third Place!

Click here to read all about the event.


With our exceptional talent within every department from the office all the way to the production floor we look forward in continuing our relationship with you. We Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous year in 2019.

Sincere Regards,
Mark Peabody – CEO and Larry Peabody – President
Phone: (951) 734-7711

G.E.M. Going The Extra Mile November 2018

By G.E.M. Winners

G.E.M. Going the Extra Mile is an achievement given to a Peabody Team Member for exceptional contributions to the company’s success having gone above and beyond to help fellow Team Members meet and exceed work expectations. All Peabody Team Members have an opportunity to nominate another Team Member for the award. It is a monthly award.

Nominated by his fellow Peabody Team Members – Congratulations to Alfonso Sandoval who works in our Rotational Molding Department, on being November 2018 G.E.M. Winner!

Here are some of the comments we received on him from his fellow Team Members
for G.E.M. Going the Extra Mile:

Alfonso Sandoval
Alfonso shows up to work every day on time, works hard and stays out of the politics. He has a smile on his face, a great attitude and enjoys his work. He also enjoys helping others and is a reliable Teammate.

Alfonso Sandoval
Listens and understands the work that needs to be done. Communicates very well before making decisions and helps out very well.

Alfonso Sandoval
Alfonso is a hard worker and will step in to do whatever needs to be done. He comes in each day with a good attitude and he has great attendance. Other team members can count on him.

Alfonso Sandoval
He is a good worker and reliable. He is also a good teacher.

Thanksgiving: A Time to Reflect and Renew

By General

Thanksgiving 2018 – We Hope You Enjoy This Years Thanksgiving Letter.

Our office will be closed on Nov 22nd and 23rd, 2018.

Well, it’s almost Thanksgiving 2018. The official start of the Holiday Season. Retail Shopping Centers and Warehouse discount stores already have Christmas decorations on display. Amazon is flooding our inboxes with shopping ideas. Our relatives are making plans for family gatherings, making airline reservations and dusting off the decorations that will transform our homes into wonderous cathedrals of holiday merriment.

We just finished with Halloween, changed our clocks and voted in what may prove to be one of the most contentious elections in our lifetime. America is deeply divided as self-righteousness, intolerance and narcissism has rampantly gone out of control. Gone are the days of respectful disagreement and forbearance of differing opinions. It seems that there is no longer room for compromise and there is no middle ground. On the one hand is traditional American values, pursuit of one’s own concept of the American Dream, building individual success, time with family and pursuit of your passions with as little interference from government and outside interference as possible. On the other hand, is a coalition of fragmented special interest groups with nothing more in common with each other than a swarm mentality that is willing to compromise everything else to get the one thing important to them, whatever that one thing is.

America is a land that has been Blessed by God. It has positively impacted the world in ways that no other civilization has in the history of the world. The grit, fortitude, ingenuity, determination, synergy, compassion, generosity and courage of this Great Nation has transformed the world. America is the only place in the world where we acknowledge that Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are God-Given inalienable rights. This has created an environment that produced a Nation of people who fought and won 2 World Wars that saved the entire world twice. It created a culture of innovation that sparked the industrial revolution, put man on the moon, created high technology, revolutionized modern medicine, engineering, and continues to lead the world in innovation in every area. Read the full Peabody Engineering Thanksgiving newsletter by clicking here. It is in PDF format (4.4mb)



Operation Christmas Child 2018

By General

It is with great joy and big hearts that Peabody Team Members participated in Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. Peabody Engineering gladly participates to help support this awesome cause for Samaritan’s Purse. Going to the stores to pick out gifts for the children is probably half the fun of this project. Getting together to put the Shoe Boxes together is another part of this project we enjoy. We set ourselves a goal this year and not only did we make the goal we went over the goal. With lots of love we send these Shoeboxes out into the world so that it may be a blessing to a child who might not otherwise have anything for Christmas. “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15.

Click here to see our Operation Christmas Child short video

G.E.M. Going The Extra Mile October 2018

By G.E.M. Winners

G.E.M. Going the Extra Mile is an achievement given to a Peabody Team Member for exceptional contributions to the company’s success having gone above and beyond to help fellow Team Members meet and exceed work expectations. All Peabody Team Members have an opportunity to nominate another Team Member for the award. It is a monthly award.

Nominated by his fellow Peabody Team Members – Congratulations to Ricardo Coronado who works in our Custom Cellsite Concealment Department, on being October 2018 G.E.M. Winner!

Here are some of the comments we received on him from his fellow Team Members for G.E.M. Going the Extra Mile:



Ricardo Coronado

  • Will help anyone any time.
  • He’s a good co-worker.
  • Works very hard – follow directions and always looking forward and trues very hard to communicate with others.
  • Nice person.
  • He gets along with everyone.


G.E.M. Going The Extra Mile September 2018

By G.E.M. Winners

G.E.M. Going the Extra Mile is an achievement given to a Peabody Team Member for exceptional contributions to the company’s success having gone above and beyond to help fellow Team Members meet and exceed work expectations. All Peabody Team Members have an opportunity to nominate another Team Member for the award. It is a monthly award.

Nominated by his fellow Peabody Team Members – Congratulations to Alex Avila who works in our Custom Engineered Tank Department, on being September 2018 G.E.M. Winner!

Here are some of the comments we received on him from his fellow Team Members for G.E.M. Going the Extra Mile:

Alex Avila
Alex consistently shows up to work and does his job with a good attitude. He is a positive person and I have never heard him complain about anything.

Alex Avila
Alex is always willing to help and step up. Always friendly and has a smile on his face.

Alex G.E.M. Winner September 2018Alex Avila
I would like to nominate Alex for G.E.M. of the month. He is always happy to see you. He always let me know when they are working on tanks that have special configurations done to them so that we can get photos taken. He is kind and respectful and if I have needed something he has always helped me.

Alex Avila
Alex is always willing to help, he is always in a good mode. We have been short handed in Engineered Tanks, Alex helped pick up the slack and knows when things need to be done ASAP. He is a “Can Do – Will Do” person!

Alex Avila
All around respectful nice guy! Always has a smile on his face and has a great attitude.

G.E.M. Going The Extra Mile August 2018

By G.E.M. Winners

G.E.M. Going the Extra Mile is an achievement given to a Peabody Team Member for exceptional contributions to the company’s success having gone above and beyond to help fellow Team Members meet and exceed work expectations. All Peabody Team Members have an opportunity to nominate another Team Member for the award. It is a monthly award.

Nominated by his fellow Peabody Team Members – Congratulations to Art Avila who works in our Rotomolding Division making our Peabody Tanks and Tank Related Products, on being August 2018 G.E.M. Winner!

Here are some of the comments we received on him from his fellow Team Members for G.E.M. Going the Extra Mile:

Art Avila
I believe Art needs to be recognized for his ability to work in the heat right in the middle of the ovens and continually produce top quality products with the least amount of scrap. Making sure all pieces come out 100% good.

Art Avila
Art does a lot of working running Charlie by himself back there. I am sure its not easy being in the back coroner in that heat, but I never hear him complain. He is always very friendly and makes an effort to say hi to me and ask me how I’m doing.

Art G.E.M. Winner August 2018Art Avila
Art works well with others and enjoys teaching our temps a new trade. He is a happy person which makes a good working environment. Art is always friendly and will treat you with respect.

Art Avila
Art has worked solo on Charlie, no complaints and he just gets the job done. He always has a smile on his face and is very friendly. He pays attention to detail. He molds our tanks with minimal problems. He expects excellence from himself and others.

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