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Land of The Free – July 4th, 2023

By Newsletters

Our office will be closed on Monday, July 3rd, 2023 and Tuesday  July 4th, 2023. We will resume normal business hours on Wednesday, July 5, 2023.

America the Beautiful, with Purple Mountains Majesty and Amber Waves of Grain, From Sea to Shining Sea. We The PeopleThe Land of the Free and The Home of The Brave. The United States of America is a Country that, despite what is currently being espoused in our current culture and mainstream media, offers the Last Greatest Hope for mankind. It is a Country that every American should be proud of and one that every other country should be rooting for to continue to preserve free societies throughout the world.

It seems like disaster is at our doorstep, now more than ever through cultural decline and apathy, but perhaps that is because of the wide availability of information, second by second through the Media, Internet, and Social Media platforms. Everyone has a voice, and those who are the loudest Land of The Free July 4th, 2023 Newsletterseemingly take center stage, regardless of their absurd perspectives.

This great country was founded on the principle that All Men are Created Equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, which include Life, Liberty and The pursuit of Happiness. Our Constitution, arguably the Greatest Founding Document ever written and I believe inspired by God, ensures every American has God-Given rights that the Government cannot take away from us. These are the first 10 Amendments to our Constitution, called The Bill of Rights (click link to read).

To read this year’s newsletter–>click–> Land of The Free for PDF instant download (1.77mb)

May God Bless you and your family as you rest and reflect on your blessings as an American. Thank-You for your business. With locations now on West Coast AND East Coast we are here to better serve your Peabody Product needs.

Everything You Need to Know About Our ProChem Chemical and Agricultural Tanks

By Tanks

For the agricultural industry, polyethylene tanks have proven to be a reliable, go-to storage solution for years because of their durability, low maintenance, and less expensive price point than fiberglass or stainless-steel tanks. For growers and pesticide application businesses, the benefits of using tanks constructed of polyethylene are numerous.

Prochem Process Chemical Tanks with integral pump deckTypical Agriculture Applications

  • Storage and transportation of micronutrients
  • Storage and transportation of liquid fertilizer
  • Storage and transportation of pesticides and herbicides


Poly tanks are extremely compatible with many of the liquid products used in agriculture businesses. But different types of plastic resins have different chemical compatibilities. For example, linear polyethylene (LPE) might be an excellent choice for one chemical, but not compatible with another. Although LPE is great for a wide range of ag chemicals, nothing is a cure-all for all chemicals.

Ease of Use

Like all equipment and asset purchases, growers and other agriculture business owners want tanks that make their jobs easier. Polyethylene tanks are lighter weight and easy to handle, which makes it easier to move if it needs to be relocated. Many poly tanks are designed with molded-in calibration for quick level assessment. They are also available in a wide range of capacities, including large capacities that make bulk ordering of products and field storage of ag chemicals more convenient and less expensive.

Durability and Resistance

Almost all plastic storage tanks are manufactured from highly durable, chemical-resistant resins, like Linear Polyethylene Resins (LPE), which is specifically formulated for making rotationally molded plastic storage tanks. These premium resins are made with excellent UV inhibitors that help provide long term UV resistance, even in the most severe weather conditions. Poly tanks are also corrosion-resistant and won’t rust, making them perfect for today’s pesticide, herbicide and fertilizer products.


While no storage tank is designed to last a lifetime, the durable resins and added UV inhibitors used in the manufacture of polyethylene tanks can mean several more years of service. Some poly tanks can last up to 20 years or more. A tank’s longevity depends on a few things: the type of resin used, the products stored in it, and the environment it is stored in.

To prolong a poly tank service life, routine inspections to assess its structural integrity are crucial. It’s recommended to do an inspection in the spring before filling the tank with fertilizer, pesticide, or other products, and once again in the fall at the end of the growing season.

Specific Gravity Rating

Another consideration for prolonging the life of a polyethylene tank used in the agriculture industry is choosing a higher specific gravity rating. The specific gravity rating is a measure of the tank’s ability to withstand the weight of the liquid it is storing. If the tank isn’t thick enough, it will begin to bulge under the weight of a heavier product and that coils not only affect the tank service life, but also put stress on valving and piping attached to the tank. Most polyethylene tanks are rated for water only weight,  standard duty and heavy duty wall thicknesses, offering the user a choice in how the tank will perform with their specific application.

The vast majority of fertilizer solutions and other ag chemicals are between 1.0 and 1.25 specific gravity and can safely be stored in a standard duty (1.5 specific gravity) rated tank. For heavier liquids, as well as products that are oxidizers or reactive, you may want to consider the Heavy Duty (1.9 specific gravity) wall, which will not only provide a stiffer wall that will minimize bulging (a normal occurrence in plastic tanks) and also offer a longer service life in a corrosive application.

Pro tip: tank ratings are assuming ambient temperatures, if you will experience higher temperatures this should also be factored into your plan.

About Peabody’s Tanks

Peabody Engineering’s roots are in the agricultural fertilizer equipment business. We understand the unique needs of the industry, and for over forty years, we’ve manufactured storage solutions for growers across the county, including our ProChem® potable water and chemical tank products, designed for agricultural and industrial chemical applications where a single-walled design is desired.

Capacities from 25 to 1500 gallons are manufactured with a premium MDLPE UV-20 rated resin, and XLPE as standard options, and are also available in PPL and PVDF for more demanding applications. Our ProChem® tanks are NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 certified (XLPE tanks 40 gallons and below are not NSF/ANSI/CAN 61 certified) and include an integrally molded pump mounting platform on top and standard process fittings for fill and discharge on most sizes. Supplied with a large, vented access opening and easy to read calibration in liters and gallons, the ProChem® potable water and chemical tank line offer standard features not previously available.

Different manufacturers use different resins with varying performance specifications. Most tank manufacturers use resins with a UV rating from 8-12 years. We are now using resins that have UV inhibitors rated for 20 years, so UV attack is much less of a factor than it once was with polyethylene storage tanks.

Visit our Catalog for more information and Part Numbers for our ProChem® Tanks.

Christmas 2022 – Eternal Hope

By Newsletters

Christmas 2022 – We Hope You Enjoy This Year’s Christmas Letter.

Our office will be closed on Monday, Dec 26th, 2022, and
Monday, Jan 2, 2023.

Where has the time gone this year? I am having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that 2022 is almost a memory and dreading the first 2 months of 2023, when I will repeatedly write the date on my checks with 2022 and then having to make the 2 into a 3 until my brain re-wires to write the correct date.

The end of the year can be a depressing time for many people. It gets dark early, it’s cold and dreary, perhaps the plans we had for the year didn’t quite work out as we had hoped, and everyone is more stressed than normal. This year has been especially tough, with inflation, shortages of everything from baby formula to Thanksgiving turkeys, new scandals in the news every day, wars and rumors of war, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. You get the idea. It’s been rough!

I think it’s a little bit like that every year. People need hope at this time of year more than any other, which is why I think God gave us eternal hope with the virgin birth of His Son in a manger, in a stable, to parents who had very little and could not find proper accommodations in an inn. Mary was in labor and had no choice but to deliver the baby Jesus, the last best hope for mankind, surrounded by farm animals in a feed bin.

The cool part about that is that it happened exactly according to prophesy from hundreds of years before. Jesus’ birth fulfilled at least 11 prophesies to the most minute detail. The odds of this alone are astronomical. To read the rest click here for this year’s Eternal Hope Christmas Letter (1mb). You can also view it below.

All You Need To Know About Rotational Molding

By White Papers

Rotational MoldingIf you are looking for quality, low tooling costs, high tensile strength, uniform wall thickness, and a single, seamless one-piece construction in a tank or other product, then a rotationally molded part is your best solution.

What is Rotational Molding?

Rotational molding is a three-stage, no-pressure, plastic molding process. During the heating stage, the mold slowly rotates in two planes (bi-axial rotation). Heat transfer causes the plastic charge inside the mold to melt and uniformly coat the interior of the mold. During the second stage, the mold moves to the cooling station, where it is cooled by air and/or water spray. In the final load/unload stage…To read more download our white paper to learn more about Rotational Molding.

Thanksgiving 2022 – One Nation Under God – Indivisible

By Newsletters

Happy Thanksgiving 2022Thanksgiving 2022 – We Hope You Enjoy This Years Thanksgiving Letter.

Our office will be closed on Nov 24th and 25th, 2022.

Can you believe we are already in November of 2022? I don’t know about you, but for me, the last two years have been like living in a fog, with events and public opinion as framed by the media being the opposite of morally right and common sense.

When the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock in 1620, the first thing they did was to pray and acknowledge God’s blessings upon them and they dedicated their new colony to Him. The Mayflower Compact was signed onboard the Mayflower, while still at sea, pledging the new colony’s obedience to God in the formation of their new “civil Body Politick for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid: And by Virtue hereof do enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions, and Officers, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the general Good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due Submission and Obedience.

Happy Thanksgiving 2022 Family Gathering
This Thanksgiving, while you gather with family, friends, and loved ones, enjoy the time you share, the joy of family and precious moments, and take a pause to recharge your soul.

Download  The Thanksgiving Newsletter. It is in PDF format (2.73mb).

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” ~ Author Unknown

Happy Independence Day – July 4th, 2022

By Newsletters

Our office will be closed on Monday July 4th, 2022. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, July 5, 2022.

Happy Independence Day July 4th, 2022America the Beautiful. Land of The Free and Home of The Brave. Baseball and Apple Pie. Hot Dogs and Hamburgers at the Park. Fireworks. The Star Spangled Banner. The Pledge of Allegiance. All of these muster a feeling in the hearts of Americans from Coast to Coast. A feeling of profound blessing to live in the Greatest Country in the history of the world.

America was founded by regular people, with a faith in The God of the Bible, who wanted to escape religious persecution and the rule of a monarch who didn’t care about the welfare of his subjects, but only about himself and his own opulent lifestyle, built on the backs of the hardworking masses.

People from England, who were told how to worship and not worship, who were persecuted and stripped of their rights as humans, ordained by God, had two choices; stay and continue to live a hopeless life under the thumb of an evil King or set sail to a New World. Untamed and unsettled. A place with overwhelming risk of survival, but a place where they could establish a society centered on the love of God Almighty, and a place where they could live by His rules, and not those of a selfish and prideful King.

4th of July Peabody NewsletterThey wanted to rule themselves as equals and just as the Israelites of the Old Testament did when they escaped from Pharaoh in Egypt, they trusted in God to protect them and see them through in a wild and unforgiving land… to download and read the rest of this year’s 4th of July Newsletter (1.44mb)

May God Bless you and your family this Independence Weekend as you rest and reflect on your blessings as an American. Thank-You for your business. With locations now on West Coast AND East Coast we are here to better serve your Peabody Product needs.

Easter 2022 – Our Only Hope

By Newsletters

Happy Easter – Our office will be closed on Good Friday, April 15th, 2022. We will resume normal business hours on Monday, April 18, 2022.

Easter Good Friday 2022When I was a young adult in the 1970’s, the Silver Screen was rocked with the premiere of Star Wars, the epic saga of Good vs. Evil set in the future, complete with spaceships, aliens and a planet sized space station called the Death Star. There were no better unlikely heroes than Han Solo, Luke Skywalker and Chewbacca and there was no better villain than Darth Vader.

The rebels fought against overwhelming odds against what seemed an unbeatable foe with little, Good Friday 2022 - Our Only Hopeif any chance of success. If not for a small droid named R2D2, whom had been programmed with a secret message from none other than Princess Leia, the ruler of the planet Alderaan, to an all but forgotten old man named Obi Wan Kenobi, the rebels would be doomed to certain defeat.

Princess Leia in her message laid out the hopelessness of the rebellion against the Empire and left off with the famous line “Help us Obi Wan Kanobi, you’re our only Hope”. Why did she think Obi Wan was her only hope? Because he had the power of The Force as a Jedi Knight, an elite class of warriors of old, who understood the hidden power in the universe of Good and Evil, but focused on the Good as stewards of humanity and protectors of the oppressed………Click for an instant download of this year’s Easter Newsletter (1.56mb) –>

Seismic Restraint Systems for Polyethylene Tanks

Seismic Restraint Systems for Polyethylene Tanks

By White Papers

About 35 years ago, Peabody Engineering did a study in cooperation with California State University Long Beach Engineering Structures Lab to design a viable seismic restraint system for our polyethylene tanks.

Based on that study, we determined that the cable and post systems that were being used as an industry standard for seismic restraint of polyethylene tanks were an ineffective and unsafe design. We decided that a new design should be developed that would safely restrain plastic tanks without the potential for damaging them. Peabody does offer a cable system for our tanks if you have budget constraints, but we strongly recommend you consider one of our three other superior designs outlined below based upon the risks associated with the cable systems noted above.


Download this white paper to serve as a reference for our Seismic Restraint Systems for Polyethylene Tanks.

Special Application Tanks

Special Application Tanks

By White Papers

Special Application TanksWith more than 40 years in the plastic tank business, you would be hard pressed to find an application we haven’t seen before. When it comes to building polyethylene tanks for custom applications, there are always unique design considerations. Our whitepaper includes important factors when configuring and specifying a special application storage tank.

Download this white paper to serve as a reference for our Special Application Tanks.

Christmas 2021 – Tis The Season

By Newsletters

Christmas 2021 – We Hope You Enjoy This Year’s Christmas Letter.

Our office will be closed on Dec 24th and 31st, 2021.

Tis The Season and what we have deemed truly important are the little things we take for granted everyday:

  • Being with loved ones,
  • Having a career that you enjoy
  • Sharing a meal with family and friends
  • The gentle touch from someone you care about
  • A wet kiss from a furry four footed friend
  • The smell of dinner cooking
  • The crackling of a warm fire while savoring the refreshing taste of your favorite libation
  • Grandkids if you are of “a certain age”

There is so much more we could add to the list. The meaning of Christmas does not need to be flashy with expensive gifts, but rather something simple like spending time with your family, friends and loved ones, good conversations, and a feast to share. These are some of the traditions that make Christmas meaningful for many people.

So while you celebrate the holiday season, we hope you enjoy this year’s “Tis The Season” Christmas Letter. You can either view below and or you can download Christmas PDF Newsletter by click here (1.2mb). Whichever way you prefer to view it – we hope you enjoy it and don’t forget to share some of that Trivia around your Christmas Dinner Table!!!

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