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Happy Independence Day – July 4th, 2022

By June 29, 2022December 13th, 2022Newsletters

Our office will be closed on Monday July 4th, 2022. We will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, July 5, 2022.

Happy Independence Day July 4th, 2022America the Beautiful. Land of The Free and Home of The Brave. Baseball and Apple Pie. Hot Dogs and Hamburgers at the Park. Fireworks. The Star Spangled Banner. The Pledge of Allegiance. All of these muster a feeling in the hearts of Americans from Coast to Coast. A feeling of profound blessing to live in the Greatest Country in the history of the world.

America was founded by regular people, with a faith in The God of the Bible, who wanted to escape religious persecution and the rule of a monarch who didn’t care about the welfare of his subjects, but only about himself and his own opulent lifestyle, built on the backs of the hardworking masses.

People from England, who were told how to worship and not worship, who were persecuted and stripped of their rights as humans, ordained by God, had two choices; stay and continue to live a hopeless life under the thumb of an evil King or set sail to a New World. Untamed and unsettled. A place with overwhelming risk of survival, but a place where they could establish a society centered on the love of God Almighty, and a place where they could live by His rules, and not those of a selfish and prideful King.

4th of July Peabody NewsletterThey wanted to rule themselves as equals and just as the Israelites of the Old Testament did when they escaped from Pharaoh in Egypt, they trusted in God to protect them and see them through in a wild and unforgiving land… to download and read the rest of this year’s 4th of July Newsletter (1.44mb)

May God Bless you and your family this Independence Weekend as you rest and reflect on your blessings as an American. Thank-You for your business. With locations now on West Coast AND East Coast we are here to better serve your Peabody Product needs.

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