Back in 1952, When Richard “Dick” Peabody Founded Peabody Engineering & Supply, He had a dream; To provide expertise and innovative product designs for his customers and service that was a cut above the rest. In those days, Peabody was synonymous with quality, as it still is today. Dick was a friend and confidant to his customers, who were involved in agricultural chemicals in the Western United States. His personal involvement & expertise was what brought value beyond a simple product. Educated as a Mechanical Engineer at Cal Poly University on the GI Bill after his time as a submariner in World War II, Dick had a vision to grow a company to support his young family in a more comfortable lifestyle than he had while growing up during the Great Depression. He worked long and hard and grew his small business from the trunk of his 1959 Bel-Air to a 7000 square-foot manufacturing facility he had built in 1968 in Gardena, CA, where he employed eight people and earned a reputation as the foremost expert in agricultural fertilizer equipment.
His two sons, Mark and Larry would work for him each summer as they grew for 50 cents an hour sweeping floors, building valves and pumps or anything else they could do to be a part of their father’s business. When the time was right, they both decided to go to college and earn their degrees, which they did, before returning to work full time in the family business.
In 1982, Mark and Larry purchased the company from Dick, who retired to a life of Horseback riding and Golf, While Mark and Larry worked hard to grow the company to the next level.

The company continues to grow in both the Tank and Process Systems industry and the Telecom Concealment business with a common reputation of quality, innovation and integrity. They are now located in Corona in a 34,000 square foot manufacturing facility and their staff designs, builds and ships products to all 50 states and countries around the world.
As time passed, The brothers realized that in order to grow, they would have to diversify into other products and markets, so they hit the road and found their place in the industrial chemical and manufacturing markets, where their foundation of chemical applications used in the agricultural market helped them to understand and succeed in helping businesses design and build innovative chemical storage and handling systems, including tanks, valve and pumping systems, process controls and other related equipment.
Peabody Engineering became involved in fiberglass fabrication to enhance their chemical process equipment in the early 1990’s, which led them into other markets that needed custom fabricated fiberglass products as well.
In 1997, they were approached by a company who needed a wall built out of fiberglass to hide cellular telephone antennae on a rooftop that matched the building. What the Peabody brothers learned is that fiberglass is “RF Friendly“, meaning the radio waves will pass through it without a significant signal loss. Well, they built the panel and it looked so much like the building that people in the industry raved about it and word soon got out that if you wanted a quality solution for antenna stealthing then Peabody Engineering was the place to go. They have since developed various products for that industry to match a wide range of applications and have hundreds of sites in operation across the US and Canada.