General FAQ’s

Peabody Engineering has been in the same business for over 50 years and has expertise in their products that you would have difficulty finding elsewhere. We are specialists in our field and have a proven track record with tens of thousands of successful installations. This gives us the ability to find the perfect solution for your application as well. If we can’t do it, we will direct you to a company that can. You may be able to find another company that has only been around for a few years that can offer a “low price guarantee,” but why take a chance with someone that “might” know what they’re doing just to save a few bucks?

No. We sell through distribution. Please call to find a distributor in your area.

Yes. The minimum phone order for our products is $50.00. For walk-in customers, our minimum order is $100.00. Ask about volume discount.

Yes. Peabody accepts all major credit cards.

Yes. Peabody offers Net 30 day terms to companies with a good D&B rating who place initial orders of $2500.00 or more and plan on purchasing again in the next 12 months.

Not yet. We will have all of our literature available on-line soon, so please email or call us for specific information. We may have your information available and will send it to you.

Our customer service department is available for phone consultation from 7:30AM to 4:00PM Pacific Time to assist you in deciding what product would work best for you, or just email us some questions anytime.

Yes. Peabody distributes products internationally.

Due to the large size of most of our products relative to their weight, shipping cost varies widely depending upon where the product ships. We have a state of the art shipping logistics system that enables us to calculate freight cost quickly and efficiently. If you would like a freight quote before ordering, simply contact our customer service department and they will be happy to assist you.

We have qualified Sales Engineers available to meet with you on-site or in your office to assist you with specifications, logistics and any other details you need in determining the scope of your large projects. Just call or email us and ask for a Sales Engineer to contact you for your special projects.

Contact the Literature Department by phone, fax or email.

Product FAQ’s

Polyethylene tanks are an excellent choice for atmospheric (non-pressure) storage of liquids ranging from water to food products to aggressive chemicals. They cost less than stainless steel, aluminum and fiberglass tanks and their seamless construction offers a durable, long-lasting choice for all of your tank requirements. Poly tanks are lightweight — less than half the weight of steel tanks, so installation and handling is a breeze. They have excellent impact and chemical resistance so they will never rust or corrode. Our tanks are made from 100% virgin FDA approved resins so they are ideal for storage and processing of drinking water, food and cosmetic products, as well as high purity chemicals. They are all molded with Ultra-violet (UV) inhibitors, so direct sunlight will not degrade them for a very long time. Our natural resins are translucent, so you can see the liquid level through the tank wall on all of our single-walled tanks.

Polyethylene tanks offer one of the widest ranges of chemical resistance of any material. You can safely store most industrial and agricultural chemicals, many food products, most types of Bio-Diesel, high-purity chemicals and potable water. Generally, the limitations are chlorinated hydrocarbons like gasoline and solvents and some surfactants (wetting agents) used in some industrial detergents. If you are unsure, please call or email us and we will be glad to offer specific recommendations.

No, these tanks are designed for water storage only. They are rated at 8 pounds per gallon.

How long your tank will last depends upon your application. The chemical being stored, the temperature and what you are using the tank for (mixing, transport, storage, etc.) all affect the lifespan of your tank. Some chemicals will permeate the tank wall and accelerate the aging process by changing the molecular structure of the resin. An example of this is sodium hypochlorite (industrial or swimming pool bleach), which reacts with heat (elevated temperature) or light (UV) and releases free radical ions that attach to the polyethylene (or other) resin. Over a relatively short timeframe, these ions will weaken the tank wall and cause something called “environmental stress cracking” and the tank should be replaced. Periodic flushing of the tank will prolong the life, but it still won’t last as long as a tank holding water, for example.

The most common reason for pre-mature tank failure is a poor installation. Piping connections on poly tanks must be adequately supported with pipe supports and expansion joints or flexible connections to allow for thermal expansion and normal flexing of the tank wall. Installing the tank on a surface with foreign materials under the tank will puncture it when the tank is filled. The tank must be installed on a clean, flat surface and be fully supported to prevent the tank from sagging, which will create a shear point and ultimately a leak. Tanks should never be hung over the edge of a tank pad without ancillary support. Installing heavy equipment directly on the tank without adequate external support or reinforcement can also cause the tank to fail prematurely. Peabody’s highly trained staff can help you to properly design your tank system to eliminate these types of installation “no-no’s”.

Tanks used for transport or mixing will not last as long as tanks used for storage, due to the mechanical stress, wear and tear associated with these types of applications. Tanks stored indoors will last longer than those stored outdoors. We have seen tanks last from 3 to 20 years and longer, depending upon the application.

Contrary to the claims of other manufacturers, our linear polyethylene tanks are extremely durable and will last trouble-free for many years if properly installed. They have superior impact and chemical resistance and will never “unzip” and fail catastrophically. They also will not crack open and spill chemicals all over the ground under normal. Our 30-plus year track record of providing poly tanks to a long list of satisfied customers supports the fact that our tanks are as good as you can get. We also offer other materials (like polypropylene, fiberglass and PVDF) of construction on some of our tanks. Check with customer service for specific application assistance.

Rectangular plastic tanks do not have the same physical properties as fiberglass or steel and they are not designed to hold heavy loads on their sidewalls without support. Properly installed rectangular plastic tanks will give you years of trouble-free service, but you must support the tank with an external steel cage or a fiberglass overwrap. We can provide either option for you if you like. Most of our rectangular tanks have the standard fiberglass overwrap option listed on our website. Generally, tanks shorter than 18″ tall do not require sidewall support, but if you’re not sure, check with us before ordering.

Our standard tanks carry a full 3-year warranty and our heavy-duty tanks carry a 5-year full warranty. These warranties do not apply to special applications, such as sodium hypochlorite & bio-diesel. Please contact your Peabody sales representative for application-specific warranties.

No. Our standard tanks are designed for atmospheric storage only. We do offer reinforced tanks that are designed for a 2 PSI nitrogen blanket, but they are designed and built on application. If you have the need for a pressure rated tank, please contact our sales department.

We have tanks specifically designed for burial, used primarily for septic and cistern tanks, but our standard above ground tanks are not designed for burial. The earthen load of the soil around an above ground tank wall will cause the sidewall to collapse. The only exception is if you build a vault and install the tank inside. A vault is a hole in the ground with reinforced walls (not supported by the tank).

Our tanks are made from polyethylene formulated for low temperature impact resistance. The resin is designed for use down to -20 degrees F per ASTM D 1998 (the specification used for tanks like ours) and ARM (The Association of Rotational Molders). Keep in mind that liquids expand when frozen due to entrapped air, so allow extra space in your tank to accommodate this in low temperature applications. The most likely part to crack on the tank is the bulkhead fitting which can be easily replaced.

The common industry recommendation for storing hot liquids in polyethylene tanks is to not exceed 140 to 150 degrees F. We have found that all polyethylene tanks start losing sidewall strength at about 120 degrees F. If you have an application that exceeds 120 degrees F, you may want to consider adding a fiberglass reinforcing on the sidewalls. We have a full fiberglass shop and can install a fiberglass wrap on any of our tanks. Adding the fiberglass wrap to your tanks will allow it to handle temperatures up to 175 degrees F in some applications.

Our standard tanks are rated for 1.5 specific Gravity (SG). This means that they are rated for materials weighing up to 1.5 times the weight of water (8.345404 pounds per gallon), or 12.518 pounds per gallon 73 degrees F (ambient).Our Heavy Duty tanks are rated for 2.0 SG, or 16.691 pounds per gallon at 73 degrees F (ambient). Please be aware that as the temperature of the tank contents increases, the SG rating decreases, due to the softening of the tank wall. Highly aggressive chemicals should always be stored in heavy duty tanks for an added measure of safety. A fiberglass wrap on the tank sidewall will also increase the tank’s ability to hold heavy liquids. We can install a fiberglass wrap on any of our tanks. Call one of our tank specialists for help in determining if you can benefit from adding fiberglass reinforcing to your tank.

Polypropylene (PPL) has very similar chemical resistance properties to those of polyethylene. The advantages of PPL are its resistance to chlorinated hydrocarbons and its temperature rating of 200 degrees F (vs. polyethylene at 140 degrees F). The downside to PPL in rotational molded products is that it has poor impact resistance, which makes a PPL tank very fragile. It is not uncommon for a PPL tank to crack if dropped or impacted by external force or water hammer. The larger the tank, the higher the probability of impact damage, due to the weight and geometry of a larger part. Peabody highly recommends that you use polyethylene whenever possible and if you must use PPL tanks larger than 15 gallons, we recommend that you have us put a fiberglass overwrap on it for you. This will make it far more durable and protect the wall from impact damage. The fiberglass is rated to 210 degrees F, so your tank will also handle higher operating temperatures as well.

We have many customers like you who have a special application. Perhaps they manufacture a special piece of equipment and they need a tank with special features or geometry. In that case, we can design and fabricate a custom mold for you at a reasonable price. Call or email our customer service department with your requirements and we will handle the rest. We can mold your tanks in custom colors and can even mold your company logo or product branding right into the tank. Not a tank? We can mold anything you can dream up.

Yes we can! Just supply us with the artwork you want to use and we can produce tanks for you with your company logo or brand molded permanently right in the tank wall (on most tank sizes). Ask our customer service department for details.

We only use resins that meet the specifications of FDA 21 CFR, which addresses products used that come in contact with food (subject to limitations). We also offer many tank sizes for storage of potable water that are NSF 61 listed. Be careful when purchasing a tank for a product for human or animal consumption, because not all tanks are created equal. Crosslink polyethylene (XLPE) is NOT suitable for food applications and will impart a taste and odor in the product. Our tanks are made from High Density Linear Polyethylene (HDLPE), which is the right choice for all of your food applications.

NSF International, founded in 1944 as the National Sanitation Foundation, is known for the development of standards, product testing and certification services in the areas of public health, safety and protection of the environment. Peabody has a full range of tanks with NSF certification, where applicable, for our potable water tanks.

The NSF certification process is done on a plant by plant basis. We currently have select tanks that are considered NSF approved that ship from our Shawnee, OK; Tooele, UT; Washougal, WA, Hanford, CA and our Corona manufacturing plant. For further details, please contact Customer Service.
The resin that we use to manufacture our above ground tanks is considered an NSF approved resin. Click on the following link for information regarding the NSF status of the resin. NSF status of resin.

Yes. Our tanks are an excellent choice for all of these chemicals. We can also design and engineer a complete tank system (single or dual-containment) for you with heating & Insulation, seismic restraints, welded (gasketless) process nozzles, electronic level control, agitation, valving, ladders, platforms and any other customized requirements that you need. Call our sales department today and let us help you specify, design and build you a complete tank system.

Biodiesel is manufactured in many ways, with varying concentrations. B100 (100% pure Biodiesel) is a known stress cracking agent and if stored in our tanks, the lifespan of the tank may be shortened. Containment should be used and Peabody will warranty a heavy duty tank for the storage of 100% Biodiesel (B100) for one year from date of manufacture. If this product is stored in the tank, you must use either a welded fitting or a bulkhead fitting with a viton gasket.

Biodiesel blends or BXX (80/20) refers to a fuel that is composed of a % of Biodiesel blended into conventional fuel, B20= 20% Biodiesel. Peabody will warranty a heavy duty tank for the storage of Biodiesel blends for one year from date of manufacture. If this product is stored in the tank, you must use either a welded fitting or a bulkhead fitting with a viton gasket. Several different websites addressing the storage of Biodiesel state acceptable storage tank materials as aluminum, steel, fluorinated polypropylene and Teflon. Biodiesel in its pure form or blended is not to be stored underground in a Peabody tank under any circumstances.

Wall thickness is not a critical measurement when considering the quality of a poly tank. Most poly tank manufacturers today mold their tanks with a variable wall thickness (thicker in some spots and thinner in others) to allow for deflection and performance. When comparing one manufacturer with another, consider the weight rating of the tank and the reputation of the company you are dealing with. More important than weight is the type of resin used, the design and engineering capabilities of the molder and the quality control processes in place. Lower grade resins also require thicker walls to compensate for their inferior physical properties.

Yes. Polyethylene, by its very nature, is a flexible material. Flexibility is an inherent strength and helps compensate for protection from impact, deflection, water hammer or surge, temperature variations (expansion coefficient), etc. This is another reason that it’s important to use expansion joints or other flexible connections when designing your piping system with your tank.

Flexible connections should be used between the tank fitting and the pump to allow for expansion and contraction of the tank as it is filled and as liquid is withdrawn. A good quality flexible hose is best. We also recommend proper support under heavy valves and fittings that may be attached to the tank fitting. Please refer to the warning labels on our tanks for details. These plumbing recommendations will also extend the life of the tank by reducing stress on the tank.

Our tank colors are used to designate one grade of tank from another (in some cases) or to identify a particular product line. Our standard colors are generally translucent natural or blue for industrial tanks and green or black for water tanks. Our below ground tanks are normally natural, yellow or blue. Tank color in most cases is only cosmetic Do not be misled into thinking that a color increases the life expectancy or UV resistance of a tank.

Yes. We have a staff of engineers and draftsmen that can help you to properly design a tank for your specific application. We routinely manufacture single and dual-walled tanks per ASTM-D1998 with seismic and wind restraint systems, special thermopneumatically welded (gasketless) nozzles, manways and a host of appurtenances with or without wet stamped engineering calculations and drawings per the Uniform Building Code. We use Solidworks CAD software to create detailed drawings, 3D modeling and Finite Element Analysis as required to insure a trouble-free installation and years of reliable service. Please contact our customer service department for more information or a copy of our standard tank specifications.

Yes. We have been providing tanks to the agricultural industry for over 30 years. Our tanks are good for fertilizers, acid-fertilizer and micronutrients, grapes (for wine crush applications) and many other products. We have tanks made for storage, batching, applicator tanks, truck and trailer tanks, tractor tanks, PCO tanks, sprayer tanks, leg tanks and a host of other specialty application products. Call us with your agricultural requirements today.

When large compression style tank fittings are installed into polyethylene tanks, you need to have a flat surface available to mount the fitting on that will allow it to seat completely around the entire circumference of the fitting. If you try to install a large compression style fitting onto a curved surface, the fitting cannot seal and you will have leaks. In addition, if you try to tighten the fitting down in an attempt to get a good seal and you “flatten out” the tank wall in the process, you will create a stress area and eventually cause a stress crack in that area. So, how can a large fitting be installed in a small diameter tank? The answer is thermopneumatically welding the fittings into the tank. We can weld couplings or flanges into any tank in sizes from ½” up to 48″ and larger, depending on the application. Ask your sales representative for assistance in designing your process tank and fitting configuration.

Inspect the surface to ensure a smooth, level area that will supply full bottom support. A properly constructed concrete pad that is capable of supporting the contents of the tank is the best support and is recommended above 2,000 gallons. Other materials such as very flat blacktop, or contained, packed sand or pea gravel have been used successfully. All surfaces must maintain uniform support through freeze/thaw, erosion and other disturbances.

Painting a tank is not something that we recommend but we know that it is frequently done. Once painted, the tank would not be covered under our normal warranty. Based on what distributors and customers have told us, to prepare the tank for painting, wipe it down with a paint thinner to remove any oily residue. The paint that seems to adhere the best is an automotive urethane which is commonly used to paint car bumpers. Keep in mind that over time, as a tank expands and contracts, the paint will usually crack and will need to be reapplied.

Thermopneumatically welded fittings are the answer. We can weld any size fitting on to a curved surface and install it level for you. We can also install fittings on a tangent off the dome or sidewall if you have a special requirement for that. We can also install gussets and special pedestals and supports as needed by welding them to your tank. In some cases, you may need multiple fittings lined up and connect them to parallel piping in your process. By using our Thermopneumatically welded fittings, we can maintain a consistent angle and a precise centerline for all of your process nozzles.

You should routinely inspect your tank visually every time you fill it for potential leaks or damage that may have developed from external unknown factors or normal wear. A thorough visual test should be conducted at least annually, which includes checking all fittings for visual damage or leakage, inspecting the tank wall for small stress cracks or potential damage caused from stresses of loading from piping or valves, mechanical wear from mixers or pumps or exposed edges where the tank may be hanging over a ledge or corner. Liquid found around the base of a tank does not necessarily mean your tank is leaking. Most of our vertical tanks have a convex (dished) bottom that pops up in the center of the tank floor. If condensation forms on the tank, it tends to migrate to the bottom and underneath the tank. When the tank is filled, the bottom flattens out and forces trapped moisture out the sides, appearing to be a leak. Likewise, if a tank is overfilled or you have a loose or leaking tank fitting or piping connection on the top or side of the tank, the liquid will also migrate underneath the tank and appear somewhere else on the tank. Careful inspection of these possibilities is important to consider before assuming your tank is actually leaking. If you are not sure, give us a call and we will do our best to help you determine if your tank is leaking and if so, if it can be repaired.

Yes, you can. We have some special bolted style fittings that will allow full drainage in cone tanks. We can also weld fittings into tanks, that are flush on the inside, allowing for full drainage. We can also weld fittings into the sides of tanks, very low, for almost complete drainage. Please be sure to specify if you need full drainage when ordering.

Peabody Engineering has been providing tank systems for over 30 years for a wide range of demanding applications to companies ranging from small manufacturers to Fortune 100 Corporations. From wastewater treatment chemicals to high purity chemicals for pharmaceutical and semiconductor companies. From Taiwan to Tulsa. We offer design and engineering assistance, CAD design and FEA using Solidworks design software and can even help you source ancillary products from other manufacturers.

  • Do not overtighten tie down straps or bands which may cause excessive stress on the tank. A “snug” fit is best.
  • Do not attach heavy valve and plumbing fittings on a bulkhead fitting without proper support. Always use flexible connections to allow the tank to expand and contract.
  • Always water test the tank before using to be sure fittings are sealed tight.
  • Do not overtighten the bulkhead fitting. Fittings are installed to proper torque ratings at the time of manufacturing but may become loose through movement in shipping. When you get your tank, hand-tighten the fitting and then give it 1/4 of a turn to make sure it’s tight.


Peabody has been selling products for safe storage and secondary containment of hazardous materials for over 25 years. We have spill pallets, safety cabinets, spill berms, overpacks, drip pans and related products in a variety of materials suited to a wide range of applications. Browse our site for specific information or contact us for assistance in determining which products will work best for your application.

We have spill containment systems with rigid covers and flexible covers for a wide variety of spill containment pallets for single and multiple drum storage systems.

“Absolutely! Our products for containment meet or exceed EPA federal regulations under the Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure Act (SPCC). We also offer products that comply with EPA 40 CFR pertaining to secondary Containment of Free Liquid and the Uniform Fire Code (UFC) 79.405 & 79.406.”

A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is basically an erosion, sediment and waste chemical control plan. It is up to the permit holder to decide what types of Best Management Practices (BMPs) to use at a given site, but the company/municipality/contractor must comply with the permit requirement.
SWPPPs will typically include:

  • Site Description with a map.
  • A description of the sediment, erosion and polluted water controls used on-site, including stabilization and structural practices (such as seeding, and catch basin inserts like the Ultra-DrainGuard or Ultra-GrateGuard).
  • Descriptions of the BMPs to control stormwater runoff after completion of a construction activity or as a part of a long term maintenance plan.
  • Good Housekeeping: reduce spill potential, routine inspections.
  • Preventive Maintenance: maintain pipes, pumps, drum/tank storage and stormwater devices.
  • Visual Inspections: signs of obvious stormwater contamination in outdoor storage and processing areas.
  • Spill Prevention and Response: spill containment of drums and tanks, spill clean-up procedures, easily accessible spill response products.
  • Sediment and Erosion Control: control methods for high erosion areas due to topography activities or other factors.
  • Runoff Management: flow diversion, filtering using catch basin inserts, use of sumps, berms, mitigative techniques such as vacuuming, use of sorbents.
  • Vegetated Filter Strips
  • Detention Basins and Ponds
  • Catch Basin Filters (disposable)
  • Passive Skimmers
  • Litter Removal Devices
  • Silt Fences
  • Drain Inlet Inserts
  • Permanent Catch Basin Inserts

Partial List of Industries Requiring a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan

  • Paper
  • Chemical
  • Petroleum
  • Metals
  • Transportation
  • FoodTextiles
  • Plastics
  • Wood
  • Cosmetics
  • Paint
  • Fertilizers
  • Building Products
  • Minerals
  • Marine

Yes. We have a wide variety of products for sediment control, storm wattles and secondary containment for your construction site.

Yes. We Offer a wide variety of products including biohazard and medical waste containers, cigarette receptacles, safety cabinets, guard rails, post, corner and rack protectors, gas cylinder handling products and much more. Check our facility protection products page for more information.

YES. Not only do self-latching doors make door operation smooth and easy, they also ensure the 3-point latching mechanism is automatically properly engaged. This is critical because an unlatched safety cabinet leaves the flammable contents exposed to a potential fire, where every second of protection counts. It is necessary that the 3-point latching system be engaged if the cabinet is to perform according to NFPA, OSHA, and FM expectations in a fire.

Yes. Cans are available in red, blue, yellow and green. Cabinets are offered in yellow, red, blue, green, white and gray.

Yes. All of our equipment is designed to meet applicable regulations and standards, including OSHA, EPA, DOT and NFPA. Where third party test standards exist, most products have also been tested by Factory Mutual Research (FM) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL).

Unfortunately, Peabody cannot make specific recommendations on venting procedures, because regulations vary widely. Contact your local fire marshal or company safety officer to determine the requirements in your location.

Several factors should be considered, such as:

  • Type of chemical being stored, compatibility issues
  • Type of container being stored
  • Capacity needed
  • Compliance and regulatory requirements
  • Independent, third party testing
  • Door-closure style and handle style preferences
  • Quality & fire protection factors, longevity and warranty
  • Ease of Use (such as easy close, self-latching doors and hidden self-closing mechanisms for obstruction-free access to shelf contents)

Cistern Tanks

A septic tank is designed for human waste, both black water and gray water. Normally, a bio-additive is introduced into the tank that consumes the waste and the by-product is inert. French drains (pipes with holes in them) are attached to the tank and the clean inert fluid is discharged over a large surface area and absorbed by the soil. The nutrients in the discharge are actually beneficial to the plant life in the area.

A cistern tank is designed for below ground storage of potable (drinking) water. The resins used in a cistern tank are FDA approved for contact with products intended for human consumption, septic tanks are not. Cistern tanks are heavier duty than septic tanks as well, meaning they can be routinely filled and emptied without worrying about sidewall integrity. Septic tanks are designed to be full at all times. Cistern tanks can be used as septic tanks, but septic tanks should NOT be used as cistern tanks.

Yes, it is safe to store water in Peabody’s above ground water tanks and below ground cistern tanks shown on our website. The resin used to manufacture these tanks meets FDA specifications for safe storage of potable water.

NSF International, founded in 1944 as the National Sanitation Foundation, is known for the development of standards, product testing and certification services in the areas of public health, safety and protection of the environment. Norwesco was the first polyethylene tank producer to receive the NSF certification, where applicable, for our potable water tanks.

The NSF certification process is done on a plant by plant basis. We currently have select tanks that are considered NSF approved that ship from our Shawnee, OK; Tooele, UT; Washougal, WA, Hanford, CA and our Corona manufacturing plant. For further details, please contact Customer Service.
The resin that we use to manufacture our above ground tanks is considered an NSF approved resin. Click on the following link for information regarding the NSF status of the resin. NSF status of resin.

We recommend you bury your tank not more than 24″ deep. We have manhole extensions available in 15″ and 24″ lengths to allow for access to your tank buried below grade without having to dig a hole in the ground to get to it.

No. Our below-ground tanks are only designed for direct burial applications. We do have a wide range of above ground tanks available for above-ground applications, including holding tanks designed to slide under mobile office trailers.

Yes. This is important for two reasons; It helps in the ease of leveling the tank and even inter-rib support during installation and insures that no sharp rocks or other objects puncture the tank during installation.

With our standard duty septic tanks (yellow), the answer is yes. This helps stabilize the tank and keeps it from shifting during backfill and equalizes the pressure inside and outside the tank so it does not become deformed during installation. Filling a Bruiser or cistern with water while backfilling is recommended but not required.

We do not recommend installing a below ground tank in areas with a water table that is not at least 120″ below the surface. This will enable you to dig to the proper depth to install the tank in a dry hole and prevent the tank from floating up out of the ground over time.

Proper sizing of a septic or a cistern tank depends upon a number of factors. For septic tanks, average sewage flow is the most important consideration. Most states require a minimum septic capacity of 1000 gallons. For cistern tank sizing, you need to determine your home water use. A good website to research what size is best for you can be found at For cistern tank sizing, consider the home water use calculator at

We will also be glad to send you our Septic-Cistern white paper upon request.

All of our tanks have been approved from coast to coast and even in some international locations. Ideal for rural locations, vacation homes, campgrounds, resorts and construction sites. Our cistern tanks are FDA approved for the safe storage of Potable water and will not impart a taste or odor to your water storage. They are compliant with FDA regulation 21CFR 177.150(c) 3.1 and 3.2.

There is no set distance that applies to all tanks or regions. Prior to installing any septic tank, you should check with your local sanitarian for specific lengths for the inlet and outlet tees.

In most state and county regulations or codes there is a direct correlation between the number of bedrooms and the size of the septic tank required. Please check with your local sanitarian or health department prior to purchasing any septic tank.

The installation instructions can be found under the edge of the lid.

The sand/gravel mixture we refer to can generically be called a “pea gravel” mixture. It should be 100% smaller than 1-1/2″ and approximately 50% smaller than 1/4″.

Fiberglass Structural

Temperatures must be taken into consideration during the structural design process. FRP is subject to changes in mechanical properties as the temperatures reach 125 degrees Fahrenheit and higher. Cold temperatures are generally of little concern unless below -40 degrees Fahrenheit. Contact Peabody Engineering for more specific information.

The service life of any particular product depends on the application in which it is installed. Generally speaking, most customers have reported products that are still in use after 25 years of active service.

Peabody’s FRP materials are normally less than the cost of stainless steel.

Peabody’s FRP materials are generally more expensive than steel when comparing material costs. However, when factoring in installation, handling, transportation and other associated expenses, the total installed cost of FRP is more competitive to carbon steel.

Peabody’s FRP materials are usually priced competitively with aluminum and the total installed cost generally makes FRP a more price competitive choice than aluminum.

Peabody’s FRP materials cannot compete with wood on price alone. Customers considering using FRP in place of wood should evaluate the strength, rot resistance and overall performance requirements for the application and choose the best material accordingly.

Lead times vary; stocked items typically have a lead time of 48 hours or less. If the item is not stocked, please call Customer Service to inquire about its lead time.

Yes. We have engineers registered in many states who can stamp drawings we provide. Peabody also has the option of retaining engineering services in any state in which engineers are not registered.

Peabody’s pultruded FRP products can be cut, drilled, and otherwise fabricated using standard carpenter’s tools. Carbide blades and drill bits are recommended to facilitate the task and extend the life of the blade or bit.

Yes, Peabody has engineers, estimators, drafters and fabrication services available. We can assist outside engineers in the design/built process as well.

Yes. We have a Design Manual that is formatted similarly to the AISI steel manual with section properties, allowable loads for flexural members, allowable compressive loads for columns, and design equations to help you understand the capabilities of Peabody’s products. Registered structural engineers are also available to help answer questions.

Abrasion is a complex subject with numerous variables. Generally, FRP should perform as well or better than wood in normal sand or grit paper type abrasion events.

Yes. Peabody routinely fabricates FRP ladders and stairs for many applications. We can provide ladders with or without safety cages, for external applications as well as NSF-61 approved internal tank ladders for potable water tanks. We can also fabricate multi-flight stairs, catwalks, mezzanines and platforms of any size.

Yes. Peabody can either fabricate you a complete, ready to install FRP handrail system, complete with kickplate, in round or square tubing. If you want to fabricate your own handrail system, we can provide you all of the materials in bulk and installation guidelines to make your handrail project a breeze. Contact our customer service department for more information.

Ladders & Handrails

Yes, all of our ladders are available with or without cages, and can be fabricated with side dismounts, walkthroughs, custom standoffs and more upon request.

Our Fiberglass Ladders are ideal for use in chemical plants and other corrosive environments. They are also non-conductive, so they do not transfer electrical currents or get hot in intense sunlight. They are also the best choice in marine or salty environments because they never rust or corrode.

Yes, we engineer our ladders with the end user in mind, always lightweight and easy to install.

All our ladders, stairs, platforms and handrail systems are manufactured from flame retardant pultruded fiberglass.

No, we also offer aluminum ladders in addition to fiberglass. Both are a superior choice to steel due to minimal required maintenance or corrosion making them both longer lasting and a better investment.

Yes, safety is our top priority for our customers. Our Fiberglass and Aluminum Ladders meet or exceed OSHA requirements and are designed for safety with nonslip rung surfaces, Fiberglass ladders use flame-retardant resins and UV inhibitors. All side rails and cages are OSHA compliant.

RF Transparent Antenna

The answer is yes but the question is will it work the way you need it to. FRP is Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic and these are usually pultruded shapes that are very strong by weight and very dense. Cell sites are designed to have certain RF performance results and using pultruded FRP shapes in the screening interferes with the RF signal. FRP shapes are needed in some cases to meet the structural requirements of the site and perform better than conventional building materials such as steel and wood. However, FRP pultruded shapes should be used as little as possible and avoid having them directly in front of the antennas.

Basically Fiberscreen™ is made of FRP (Fiberglass and a Class I Fire Retardant resin). Polyscreen™ is our reinforced encapsulated foam product that offers great RF performance in the higher spectrums. Both products have been RF tested to assure their performance in your application.

Yes they can. When LARR is required we use pultruded Fiberglass shapes that have an LARR number.

So far the only building surface we have not been able to match are glass windows. But we match everything else from stucco and brick to wood shingles, clay tiles and even rocks and trees. We can also build custom architectural elements like church steeples, crosses, cupolas, dormers, clock towers, faux wood water tanks and more.

No, we leave that up to our customers who are experts at installation. We wouldn’t want to compete with them, so we do not offer installation. If you need a referral, just call us and we will be glad to recommend a qualified installer of Fiberscreen™ or Polyscreen™ for you.

Yes we do. It is part of the service we offer and in all local sites (near our manufacturing facility) there is no extra cost. We will travel anywhere your site is located for a fee to cover our costs.

We custom make our materials here in our Corona, CA manufacturing plant and we ship them across the USA.

Cell Tower Concealment

Yes, we are proud to build each custom project while being Cellular Carrier approved and RF tested and WiMax ready.

No – Peabody does not manufacture Faux Pine Trees or Palm Trees because the longevity of faux trees is very short compared to our architectural facades. Trees quickly decay in the sun due to ultraviolet light and begin looking really bad in one or two years. We feel trees are a poor choice and investment for concealing cell sites when compared to our composite products, which retain their pristine appearance for 20 or more years in most cases.

Fiberscreen™ is made of FRP (Fiberglass and a Class I Fire Retardant resin). Polyscreen™ is our reinforced encapsulated foam product that offers great RF performance in the higher spectrums. Both products are RF tested to assure their performance in your application.

If you can envision it, we can build it. We confidently take on projects to meet all your design standards. Check out our case study from a Water Tower Cell Site Concealment where we created a replica of a 1908 water tower.

Yes – Peabody can help you with engineering design and CAD drawings with wet stamp engineering in all 50 states.

Yes – We stock a wide range of pultruded fiberglass sheet, angle, tubing, channel, threaded studs and bolts and just about anything else you need for site mods or a complete build.