Known by our more popular name, The Cell Site Disguise Guys® serves today’s largest wired and wireless communications carriers as they conceal cellular and tower equipment, cabling, antenna, and infrastructure. If you’ve ever driven by that pine tree that just “doesn’t fit in”… That’s NOT us. The Cell Site Disguise Guys®’ builds RF Antenna Concealment Systems with innovative materials and custom installations which are virtually undetectable to the public eye.
Custom-made Concealment Systems for Cell Sites
Our services include:
- Design
- Engineering
- Site-walks as required
- Computer Generated shop drawings
- Fully-built and ready to bolt down fast
Our goal is to help you design and install a great looking, long-lasting, easy to install RF Antenna Concealment Systems for your cell site projects. We can match most common building textures.
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FiberScreen™ Data Sheet
Typical Drawing of FiberScreen™ panels with legs and Kickers
RF Test Summary Sheet
Creating concealment systems that are both “RF Friendly” and pleasing on the eye is an important art. This white paper introduces factors involved in antenna concealment and how architectural design is essential when taking on the challenge of structural beauty.